Ukrainian State Flight Academy

The Academy is considered to be one of the best international flight schools and is the unique component of the national education in Ukraine. During the period of its operation Academy prepared more than 110 thousand of aviation personnel, including more than 4 thousand specialists for 66 countries of the world. We are proud that our graduates work on all main lands of the Earth (except Australia) and hold different posts. Among them are pilots, air traffic controllers, heads of the services, flight crews and detachments captains, chiefs of the departments, air companies and flight complexes directors. Besides, our graduates are heads of aviation services in Mongolia, Bulgaria, Moldova and several African countries. For the high quality training of Cuba Republic specialists the Academy was awarded with the Cuban order "De la SOLIDARIDAD", and for the great contribution into high-qualified personnel training for Ukrainian aviation it got the silver medal of International Academic rating "Golden Fortune".

15 січня 2025 року в Українській державній льотній академії (УДЛА) під головуванням в.о. ректора академії, доктора технічних наук, професора Сергія Миколайовича Неділька відбулась робоча зустріч з керівником ТОВ «ZF EDUCATION» (м.Баку) Заргарлі Фуад Ельдар огли.


29 листопада 2024 року до академічної спільноти Української державної льотної академії приєдналася перша група здобувачів освіти з Еквадору.


On 20 November, the participants of the European English Speaking Club gоt together again.


06. 11. 2024 at the meeting of the English Speaking Club the participants discussed the time management questions.


In October 23, 2024 at the meeting of the English-speaking club on the topic "International culture and traditions" participants discussed various customs and traditions from different countries, had the opportunity to improve their language skills, learn more about the world's cultural features, share experiences, and take part in engaging activities such as presentations, discussions, and solving quizzes.